A n t e l o p e V a l l e y D u s t C o n t r o l G r o u p

Decreasing fugitive dust through translation of scientific research to real world application

As in other areas of the Desert Southwest, the Antelope Valley’s ongoing drought continues to put pressure on water resources.
As a result, the area is experiencing extensive soil destabilization contributing to massive sand and dust storms on lands that have been stripped of protective natural vegetation and soil consolidation.
While not only detrimental to the health of area residents, these storms continue to cause severe property damage and roadway hazards due to limited visibility.
Evidence has shown that the multitude of mineral, fungal and pollen-related allergens resulting from these storms have extreme adverse effects on human health and wellness. Illnesses associated with desert dust include valley fever, silicosis, bronchial asthma, and allergic rhinitis, among others.
History and Purpose
Addressing the Immediate Need to Control Blowing Sand and Dust
As dust storm frequency and severity increases, residents feel increasing frustration and discontent with past dust control efforts, which are viewed as minimal and largely ineffective.
Dust mitigation by government agencies is often perceived as a conflict of interest due to potential financial interest in projects requiring dust-control planning.
The AV Dust Control Group provides independent assessments and solutions as well as a clear reporting method, while working closely with researchers, local agencies and community members to promote an understanding of the nature of the problem.
The AV Dust Control Group’s application initiative is designed to increase both effectiveness of control and the public’s understanding of the nature of the problem and its solution.
Our experts work closely with the victims of blowing sand and dust to address serious day-to-day problems encountered by the local community.