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Project 1003 - Property Restoration and Protection Program 



The AV Dust Control Group is pleased to announce the launching of its long-term community-oriented property restoration program.  The program focuses on restoration of individual residential properties to mitigate the effects of recent dust storms and to protect against further damage. The cost of this program is being subsidized by volunteer efforts of AV Dust Control Group’s board members, experts and staff, and various contributors to our non-profit organization.

Through this property restoration program, the AV Dust Control Group’s experts and staff work directly with qualifying property owners to provide expert services in surveying property, site-specific planning and advice, development of a custom restoration plan, and ongoing availability throughout the process to further promote successful property restoration. All AV Dust Control Group services are provided free of charge to qualifying property owners, and some participants may be awarded vegetation or other necessary plan components free of charge.

Site-specific restoration plans are provided, which (a) include our analysis of the steps that have already been taken and (b) balance cost-effective steps for property improvement with participants’ preferences for implementation. Steps in the rehabilitation process will work towards stabilizing the soil with newly planted vegetation that is drought tolerant and otherwise suited to the desert environment. Prior to the planting of vegetation, coverage of large blowsand deposits with mulch may be recommended to stabilize the sand, add nutrients and prepare it for better support of newly planted vegetation. In cases where continued exposure to upwind sand and dust sources is likely, the plan will include steps to decrease future exposure with windbreaks such as trees, berms, and fencing. 

Methods and recommendations are based on over 15 years of Antelope Valley research and hands on experience. They focus on the most cost-effective stabilization options and promote the use of mulch in as many cases as possible, which is provided free of charge by the City of Los Angeles.


Application Process

To qualify for participation in this restoration program, you must complete the application (see below) that documents the extent of property damage.  The application also demonstrates your level of interest in this program, ability and willingness to implement plan elements, and dedication to restoring your property to a previous condition.  Applicants are encouraged to build a case as to why they are deserving of participation in this project.


Items in the application include a thorough description of the specific property:  location and size of lot, and a narrative description of problems associated with past dust storms.  As part of the application, we also ask that applicants submit a plot-map of the affected property showing locations of

  • Primary residential structures and proximity to other homes/buildings

  • Existing trees, shrubs, walls, fencing, berms, and outbuildings, along with well(s), septic tank and leach lines 

  • Blowsand deposits and damaged vegetation and structures

Pictures of the most damaged areas are also requested, along with photo evidence that these effects resulted from recent dust storms.

The AV Dust Control Group reviews all of the applications submitted by posted deadlines for each phase of the program.  All applications that are determined to meet completeness requirements are categorized initially as to relative merit for participation.  Based on the initial merit ranking, field surveys of each qualifying properties and interviews with the associated residents are performed.  The results of this additional information gathering are used to refine the rankings. 

After the interviews with qualifying residents, a list of finalists is determined, and for each finalist, a preliminary restoration plan is prepared.  Each plan evaluates options including trees and shrubs, coverage of blowsand accumulations, and assistance with mulch deliveries.  Each restoration plan strikes a balance between the extent of work to be performed by the resident, the guidance provided by the AV Dust Control Group and possible aid in the purchasing, installation or application of materials for the restoration process.

Upon completion of each plan, a secondary visit to finalist’s property is scheduled to discuss the plan that we have prepared. Based on the results of those visits, plans are modified as needed.  Plans include an implementation timeline that may extend for more than one year.


Size of Initial Program

This program requires financial support in addition to the contributed efforts of the AV Dust Control Group’s board members, experts and staff. The size of this program and the number of individual properties that can be included depends in part on the financial support that we receive from community-oriented individuals, contractors and organizations. 

The actual cost of this program includes labor and other expenses incurred by the AV Dust Control Group in performing the specified activities, and the costs for purchase and installation or application of materials, which are required to implement the site-specific restoration plans.  Depending on the size of the restoration program agreed upon for a particular property, some funds may need to be supplied by the managing resident.

We are very optimistic about this program, and we plan to continue it for several years into the future.  We expect it to serve as a template for community-oriented participatory property restoration through the deserts of California and neighboring states.


If you'd like to join others in sponsoring the program, the process is simple. Just complete and submit this Sponsor Registration Form.


If you are an impacted homeowner and would like to apply, please complete and submit this application

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