A n t e l o p e V a l l e y D u s t C o n t r o l G r o u p

Decreasing fugitive dust through translation of scientific research to real world application


Julie Schuder, Operations Manager
Antelope Acres resident since 2012
Correspondence Secretary for Antelope Acres Town Council
Hands-on local experience with effects of blowing sand and related agencies and personnel
Founder and CEO of Crossroads Living Center, Inc.; Licensed by CA Dept. of Public Health to provide long term care for adults with developmental disabilities (1995-Present)
Founder and CEO of Crossroads Community Options, LLC.; Licensed by CA Dept. of Social Services to provide day treatment for adults with developmental disabilities, (1999-Present)
Founder and CEO of Crossroads Foundation for the Developmentally Disabled, Inc.; Non-profit foundation providing vocational opportunities for adults with developmental disabilities (2000-Present)
Startup and oversight of all aspects of said businesses, 63 clients, 42 employees, 12 professional consultants and gross receipts > $2.2M/yr.

Nay Schuder, Field Technician
US Air Force Veteran
10+ years hands-on experience with southwest US land management and ranching practices
Simultaniously managed maintenance departments for three companies, including landscape maintenance
Led dust control and cleanup efforts, thus transforming highly disturbed land in the Antelope Valley to land which is now usable and protected from future wind and sand storm events.

Daniel Schuder, Intern
Sophomore in college, majoring in Environmental Engineering
Member of the honors society
Member of the STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) club
Counselor-in-training at Camp Woolman in Nevada City, CA