A n t e l o p e V a l l e y D u s t C o n t r o l G r o u p
Decreasing fugitive dust through translation of scientific research to real world application
On-site identification and assessment of sand and dust source areas
Evaluation of sand transport impacts on neighboring properties
Monitoring of sand flow as the driver for inhalable fine particle emissions
Monitoring the air quality impacts and health implications of blowing dust
Review of site development plans for dust generation potential
Adaptation of site development procedures to minimize land disturbance
Development of natural and cost-effective measures for dust mitigation
Development and review of dust mitigation plans
Consultation with land-owners in providing practical dust control
Support and guidance to permitting agencies
Participation in research studies on the effectiveness of wind barriers and blowsand coverings in curtailing windblown dust generation
Hands-on experience in development of affordable measures for sustaining vegetation and stability of desert lands
Experience in preparing practical, understandable technical guidance on dust control problems and solutions
Observation and assessment of the deficiencies of conventional dust controls when applied to the desert environment
Field studies on the critical role of minimizing land disturbance in controlling windblown dust generation
Extensive involvement in defining community concerns about the effects of dust storms