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A n t e l o p e V a l l e y D u s t C o n t r o l G r o u p

Decreasing fugitive dust through translation of scientific research to real world application

Helpful Links
Agricultural Guide to Controlling Windblown Sand and Dust
Draft Renewable Energy Ordinance
Fire Department regulations related to mulch and mulch berms
Homeowners Guide to Controlling Windblown Sand and Dust
Large Area Land Managers Guide to Controlling Windblown Sand and Dust
Community Announcements
We are excited to announce that we have recently purchased several pieces of equipment including a wind tunnel, meteorological station, and a handheld PM10 monitor. These units, coupled with our Cox Sand Catchers, will greatly improve our monitoring capabilities.

Wind Tunnel
Cox Sand Catcher (CSC)
Portable PM10 Monitor
Meteorological Station
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